Shelby Fisher, a native of Salt Lake City, began her musical career as a chorister in the initial class of the Choir School of the Cathedral of the Madeleine. Shelby was awarded the first Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance by the University of Utah. Similarly, she pioneered and received the Master of Music degree in Organ Performance. She earned a second masters degree in education and taught in the Washington, D.C. area while studying organ with Edward Alan Moore at Catholic University. Additional organ study has been with Robert Ridgell, Rulon Christiansen, and Andrew Unsworth. She earned the Doctor of Sacred Music from the Graduate Theological Foundation. Her research has been published by the Diapason and Sacred Music as well as a forthcoming biography of Utah sacred music pioneer Tracy Young Cannon, to be published by Signature Books.
Fisher now holds the position of Organist and Director of Music at Christ United Methodist Church in Salt Lake City and teaches K-8 music at St. Olaf’s Catholic School. She has held various leadership positions in the American Guild of Organists and is currently the Dean of the Salt Lake City chapter. She has played recitals throughout the United States including at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption in San Francisco, First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe, and National Christian Church in Washington, DC and has appeared as a featured soloist with the American West Symphony.
She maintains a successful teaching studio with award-winning piano and organ students of all ages. A particular joy is accompanying the flute and violin performances of her three daughters.